Kenmore Slide Repair

Encore worked closely with GeoEngineers and Geostabilization International (GSI) to provide erosion control stabilization, earthwork, drilling support and site restoration on this emergency slide repair at a residence in Kenmore, WA. The work was undertaken in phases:

The site could only be accessed with equipment by barge and involved a considerable amount of coordination between the property owner, City of Kenmore, GSI and GeoEngineers



Kenmore, WA


March 2020 - January 2021


Lee Smart, PS Inc.


The Process:



The first phase involved clearing out an invasive species and installing erosion control matting on a 1:1-2:1 slope.



The second phase involved minor earthwork in preparation for GSI’s drilling construction for the slope stabilization, plus removal of a concrete wall and having it barged across Lake WA for disposal.



The final phase involved planting over 1,300 native plant species for shoreline habitat improvements and final slope stabilization once the drilling was complete.